Rencontres Imabio 2024
From 10.09.24 to 13.09.24Because you have to wait one year to attend MIFOBIO, IMABIO propose you to meet at the new “rencontres du GDR IMABIO” from September 10th to 13th in Grenoble (location at either IAB or Grenoble-Alpes

From September 10 to 13, 2024, the GDR ImaBio will hold its annual meeting in Grenoble. The goal of this event is to promote exchanges among GDR members and strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration. It offers an opportunity for members from various laboratories (researchers, postdocs, PhD students, and interns) to present their work (through oral presentations and posters) and discuss research projects. The GDR ImaBio working groups will present a summary of their activities to facilitate the integration of new participants.
Hands-on knowledge-sharing sessions will also be offered over two half-days, featuring practical work in AI and optics, as well as workshops on laboratory equipment, focusing on activities that cannot be brought to MiFoBio.
1) Advances in In vivo microscopy: photoacoustique, intra-vital microscopy, wave-front shapping.
- Thomas Chaigne (Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France)
- Willy Supatto (Laboratoire d’optique et biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France)
2) Probes, biosensors and optogenetics: from design to functionnal experiments in vivo
- Mélody Atkins (Institut la vision, Paris, France)
- Morgane Rosendale (IINS, Bordeaux, France)
3) From mechanobiology to organoïdes
- Thomas Boudou (LiPhy, Grenoble, France)
- Caterina Tomba (INL, Lyon, France)
4) Diffusion at multiple scales: from measure to modelization
- Olivier Ali (ENS, Lyon, France)
- Cyril Favard (IRIM, Montpellier, France)